How To Help

Serra Club 25 is completely a voluntary organization; we have no employees, but very faithful and generous members, officers, trustees, and supporters.

For each of our activities, we seek the input and “hard labor” of many volunteers, as well as the financial contributions to undertake the activities. Because we are generally able to recruit many able volunteers, the burden on any one of them is relatively light.

Our dues cover many, but not all, of our activities. For special events, we seek a relatively small charge to cover our costs. We also maintain adequate reserves from our dues to ensure that we can continue our mission. Our Officers and Board monitor our finances in coordination with our volunteer Treasurer who is a Certified Public Accountant as a professional.

We are a 501(c)(3) organization that is a “charitable organization” for IRS and State of Missouri taxation purposes. We solicit and accept charitable gifts from our Members and Friends. If you are interested in supporting Serra Club 25, please contact any of our Officers to see how your contribution can specifically help our Club. We also encourage “planned giving” through gifts that support our purpose and mission. You may speak with your financial or legal adviser regarding this topic. Our legal name for these gifts is “Serra Club 25 of Kansas City, Missouri.”


Since Serra Club 25 relies so much on its members, we ask for help in several different ways.

  • We seek input via a form we call “Count on Me” as in “I’m willing to work on the aspects of the Club that are checked off.” The list is very comprehensive and it contains almost all activities of the Club. Members provide this info usually each fall and certainly when they join the Club. The completed forms are shared with the various Vice Presidents (e.g. Membership, Communications, Programs, Vocations, etc.) who contact each of the volunteers personally to follow up and “seal the deal” toward work in that aspect of the Club.
  • For the most time intensive events like “Chili Dinner,” “Seminarian Christmas Dinner,” and “Blisters for Sisters,”. etc., the Chairperson of the event specifically solicits volunteers. From the sign-up sheets that are circulated, the Chairperson fills the Roster of needed volunteers.
  • Virtually all Members are expected to participate in general activities like, “Pray for Priests, Vowed Religious and Seminarians,” “Attend Mass and Meetings,” and “Financially Support the Mission of Serra.”

The Serra Club is collegial and friendships develop through our activities. “Many hands make light work” and we usually have many hands to accomplish our important tasks.”

Attend an Event

Anyone is welcome to attend our events.  You can learn more about what is coming up here.

You can mail your check to:
Serra Club of Kansas City, MO
P.O. Box 480825
Kansas City, MO 64148