
2021-2022 Officers

President Mike Van Dyke
President Elect Laurence Freeman
Program VP Tom Kenagy
Membership VP Becky Turner, Tom Frittsm, Charlie Murphy
Vocations VP Kevin Conno
Communications VP Edward Greim
Secretary Joe Cirincione
Treasurer Ken Woodward
Serra-Nader Editor John Froeschl
Historian Dick Shaw
Friends of Serra John Massman
Past President Jon Haden
Club 25 Chaplain  Fr. Adam Johnson
Serra Foundation Representative Jeff Randolph


2nd Year – Vince Sabia, Eric Melgaard, Jerry Cooke
1st Year -Danny Bonderer, Rey Gonzalez, Tom Kenagy

2020-2021 Officers

President Vince Sabia
President Elect Jonathon Haden
Program VP Tom Kenagy
Membership VP Becky Turner, Tom Frittsm, Charlie Murphy
Vocations VP Fr. Adam Johnson
Communications Eric Melgaard
Secretary Mike O’Flaherty
Treasurer Ken Woodward
Serra-Nader Editor Eric Melgaard
Historian Dick Shaw
Friends of Serra John Massman
Past President Larry Ward
Club 25 Chaplain  Fr. Adam Johnson


2nd Year – Daniel Bonderer, Mike Van Dyke, Lawrence Freeman, Edward Greim
1st Year – Rey Gonzalez, Joe Haster

2019-2020 Officers

President Larry Ward
President Elect  
Program VP Tom Kenagy w/ John Massman
Membership VP Becky Turner & Marty Meyers, w/Charlie Murphy
Vocations VP Vince Sabia
Communications VP Greg Vranicar
Secretary Mike O’Flaherty
Treasurer Ken Woodward
Historian Dick Shaw
Past President Jerry Haake


2nd Year – Mike Van Dyke, Lawrence Freeman, Edward Greim and Daniel Bonderer
1st Years – Rey Gonzalez Joe Haster

2018-2019 Officers

President Jerry Haake d
President Elect  Larry Ward
Program VP Tom Kenagy
Membership VP Becky Turner & Marty Meyers, w/Charlie Murphy
Vocations VP Vince Sabia
Communications VP Greg Vranicar
Secretary Frank Clifford
Treasurer Ken Woodward
Historian Dick Shaw
Past President Ted Derks


2nd Year – Jeff Crowe, Charlie Huffman, Butch Wagner
1st Years – Jerry Hughes, Pat Gillespie, Dick Shaw