Fellow Serrans,
We have a lot going on—read on!
Eddie Greim
- Join us for three big events, starting this Wednesday:
- All Saints Day mass and luncheon, Weds., Nov. 1, Noon at St. Peter’s, remember to RSVP to Laurence Freeman: [email protected].
- Chili Dinnerat St. Thomas More, Sunday, Nov. 19, 4:30-7PM in the church hall. See the attached flyer for details and sponsorship.
- Advent Dinner and Ordination Celebration, Dec. 20at St. Thomas More. See attached for details and plan ahead.
- Note, too, that Nov. 5-11 is Vocations Awareness Week. See below for some useful links from our friends in the northland Serra Club.
- Longer three-month calendar is attached is at https://serrakcmo.org/
II. Photos
Careful readers will quickly recognize that a few of these pics relate to the September Lunch (Msgr. Swetland) and the CORE tournament, but because some of these characters were caught in various hijinks, they seemed too good to pass up.
III. Key Links: note that there are several upcoming events in November and December for young men interested in the priesthood-see the Office of Priestly Vocations Website
The Website for the Office of Priestly Vocations
Vocations Awareness Week:
- Vianney Vocations NVAW Resources(prayer cards, pamphlets, etc.)
- USCCB.org(homily helps, prayers, petitions, notices, printable cards, etc.)
- National Religious Vocations Conference(shareable videos, 50 fun facts, etc.)
- Prayer to Know My Vocation
- Priesthood Video